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*Mar 13*, Apr 24: MSP MMC Gatherings

Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

* Elemental JOY: A Dances of Universal Peace retreat

Big Idea:  
How do we sustain ourselves with what is ours to do unless we continue to connect with our innate sense of JOY and Creativity? If we don’t take time to do this, life can become a burden and we may lose sight of why we are here to live. You are invited to a weekend retreat with the Dances of Universal Peace and the Four Elements to reignite your Inner Joy.

Update:  In-Person to Virtual
We, Morgan, Jennifer, Saleem, and Conie are sad and disappointed that the public health precautions around the coronavirus will keep us from dancing, singing, and praying together in person in late April. We understand these serious measures are necessary to protect the vulnerable and support the healthcare systems from being overloaded. We pray and hope that we can circle together again soon with more joy and gratitude after being apart.

Within this constriction, we also see possibility of virtual connectivity and communal practice with technology available today. We are curious and excited to explore what joy we can invite and invoke during this time of virtual connection. We believe there is benefit to be found in gathering to sing (all muted except the leader, of course) our prayers, to listen, remember, and experience the wisdom of the elements in song, movement, ritual, breath, walks, and creativity.

Who knows what surprise gifts and blessings may come forth through this offering?

Would you join us in the ether for this adventure?
Retreat Leaders:

Sessions will be curated by Morgan Rivers, Conie Borchardt, Jen Friedman, and Saleem Adam Wolter.  Get to know them through their bios here.  

Sadly, we are no longer able to offer Leader registration with opportunities to collaborate and lead. The technical limitations of our gathering platform also do not lend themselves to live musicians. We do hope you consider joining the retreat to deepen your practice and explore what joy is possible while navigating the effects of a pandemic on our bodies, communities, and world.

Retreat Schedule: Friday, April 24-Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Dance Retreat will begin with a welcome and overview on Friday night, continue on Saturday with four sessions on the elements (one in the morning, two in the afternoon, and one more in the evening), and conclude on Sunday morning.

Here is the finalized schedule with descriptions.

Retreat Registration: 
Registration fee for the whole virtual weekend is $100. Deadline to register for the whole retreat is 9:30a CDT on Saturday, April 25. To register for the whole weekend, please click here.

We are opening up individual sessions for a la cart registration, except Sunday morning. Saturday's elemental sessions will be $30 each and Friday night's welcome session is $20. Registration for individual sessions is now open on EventbriteNote:  registration closes 30 minutes before 
for each session begins.  

Scholarships available.  No one will be turned away for lack of funds.  Please inquire.  

Retreat Location:

We will be using the Zoom video conferencing platform. Meeting ID details sent when payment is received.

Refund Policy
If you registered for this retreat during the Early Bird period, you should have received an email from Morgan with an invitation to complete an online survey to help us direct your refund. Thank you for tending that detail at your earliest convenience.

If you sign-up for this virtual retreat and later cannot attend, please notify organizers by Saturday morning, April 25 so we can issue a refund if desired.

Sessions will not be recorded.

Retreat Questions?

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