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*Oct 6*, Nov 3, Dec 1: Dances of Universal Peace in St. Paul

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

MMC News: Fall 2024

Here's a quick roundup of Music that Makes Community (MMC) news of this moment.  

What's inside:
  • Events: around Turtle Island and TC local
  • Important resources
  • A Vision
  • And an invitation to contribute to our mission.  

Starting with the Vision, I published this blog post recently about "A Songleader in Every Household, Every Family".  I'm excited for the possibilities of what this means for all communities and for our world.  Check out what I mean when I say "Songleader" and let me know what's arising for you.  

Two Resources were released recently as well.  
  • Sacred Lands Playlist
    .  This collection of 20+ songs celebrates our relationship to land and invites us to review and reflect on and how a 500-year old church document has influenced how our lives today and in particular our relationship with indigenous peoples.  A partnership with The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery.
  • Songs for Connection in Fractured Times
    .  9 songs from MMC facilitators.  (Later this month we'll share a list of Advent, Christmas songs.  Keep watch for that!)
Events!  It's a busy time for MMC.  I'll be at some and sending great team members out for others. Join us if we're near you!  
  • Oct 11-12 in Chippewa Falls, WI
    .  Conie will be collaborating with Liesl to offer a Fri night Community SING at 7p and a Half Day Workshop on Sat morning.  All welcome!  Hosted by the Lay School of Ministry of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA and 5 local churches.
  • Oct 18-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah
    .  Sylvia and Donnel will be offering a Community SING with the camp musicians of the Diocese of Utah on Friday night.  Saturday they'll be providing a plenary and introductory workshop as well as offering musical leadership during opening and closing worship for the Diocesan event.  
  • Oct 19-20 in Dennis, MA
    .  Nehemiah and Conie will be leading a lecture-demonstration-conversation on "Building Beloved Community: Through Singing" for Dennis Union Church on Sat afternoon and then leading worship on Sun morning.  Open to all.  
  • Relatedly, I'll be in the Boston metro on Fri Oct 18 through Tue Oct 22.  A Boston MMC gathering is tentatively scheduled for 4p Sun Oct 20 in Needham.  Stay tuned for those details (and let Conie know if you'd like to connect.  Please use the contact form to the right)
  • Nov 13 in Mpls, MN
    .  The MSP group meets from 2-3:30p at University University Lutheran church of Hope.  Maria at Hope has generously offered their space for steady odd month gatherings.  Thanks Maria!  Would you be willing to host the even month gatherings?  We welcome it on weekday evenings and weekends so other folks can attend!
  • Jan 2-4 in Albuquerque, NM.  Save the Date for this annual retreat at the Norbertine Abbey.  
  • Plus there's more local community and online events.  Check the website Calendar for more details.
Lastly, I want to invite you to contribute to our Fall Fundraising Campaign.  We have a goal of raising $50,000 so we can bring these practices to more people in more places.  We need more folks offering brave shared leadership and facilitating deep spiritual connection so transformation in our world is possible.  Considering giving $5 or $5,000 or an amount just right for you in between.  You can donate online here or mail us a check at the address on this page

Thanks for your interest in my work with MMC that is so very adjacent to what Points of Light Music does!

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