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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Aug 30: Spirit of Peace Meditation ONLINE


It feels like a season to invite folks to a public practice of the Spirit of Peace Meditation.

If you feel called to join with others in 1) recommitting to "give our strength ... that love may reign and war may cease" and 2) to practice seeing the love and light in one's self and others, please consider yourself welcome to the next public online practice.

What: Spirit of Peace Meditation*
When: Friday, August 30, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Central Time USA (UT-05)
Where: Zoom Meeting ID: 941-277-002; Password: DUP

At this time we will meet monthly online. It may shift to in-person and more frequently, so sign up for the Spirit of Peace newsletter on this page to be most up-to-date.

If you have interest and delight in supporting this public practice of dedicating one's spirit to peace and seeing the holy love and light in each person, please reach out and let us know. Use the contact form here or send an email to listening@pointsoflightmusic.net.


Interested in history of the practice? Follow this link of posts tagged with "Spirit of Peace Walk" including *how we adapted it to zoomland,

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