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Sept 8: Dances of Universal Peace at TCFM

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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Setlist from Mar 16 Grow Your Voice Workshop

Here are the songs we sang during the Grow Your Voice workshop at New City/Walker Church on Saturday morning, March 16, 2024 with links to online recordings for your at-home remembering pleasure.
* no online recording available. If you discover one, please let us know in the comments!

Thank you to the crew who bravely entered into the brave waters of exploring their voices with us! If you were there, check your email for more details on support resources!  The right people were there, tenderness, grit, and support were shared. Community was tended. 

Special thanks to the Grapevine Collective who steward the space use at New City/Walker Church in South Mpls.  Your spaces are a sanctuary and a beacon of light.  May your fire never die.

We heard some attendees say they would do it again and others said they would do a longer day-long or 4-6 week series.  If you weren't able to attend and would be interested in future offerings, please let us know!  Send us a note on the Contact Us page or subscribe to "Full Voice" segment of the Newsletter.

Keep singing and stay warm, hydrated and creative!

Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. Good Trouble

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