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Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Monday, February 26, 2024

Mar 16: Grow Your Voice: A Workshop to Explore, Experiment, & Strengthen Your Singing Voice

Grow Your Voice: A Workshop to Explore, Experiment, & Strengthen Your Singing Voice

When: Saturday, March 16, 2024, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Where:  New City Center for Healing Justice, 3104 16th Ave S, Minneapolis
fb event link for sharing: https://fb.me/e/58TzIdfWL

Want to be a stronger, more confident singer?

The voice in your body is a seed of who you are. Depending on how it’s been tended over your life, your voice might feel strong and healthy – or it may feel more like it has a shallow root system, a weak stem, or fewer leaves or blossoms than desired. In voice work, your breath, posture, body tension, and fear of how you’re “supposed” to sound are all aspects that need tending to.

Join Conie and Liz for two hours of vocal tending and singing from your full breath and heart: give yourself and your voice loving, caring attention to grow strong, healthy, and beautiful. We want your voice to sing out and clearly communicate your care, pride, passion, hurt, and dreams to ourselves, our beloveds, our community, and our world.

  • Masks up please as an act of community care while Covid is surging. Thank you.
  • Sliding scale payment: $15-$40.
  • Please fill out the registration form here https://forms.gle/HqqDZ6LDADnvcrBx8 and Venmo/Paypal @ConieB to reserve your spot (confirm digits: 7530)
  • Two solidarity spots available for volunteers; inquire at goodtrouble@pointsoflightmusic.net.

Workshop leaders Conie Borchardt and Liz Digitale Anderson are GOOD TROUBLE, a queer mixed Asian songleading duo. They bring a wide variety of vocal experience and technique to share, including certification in the playful Five Elements Full Voice Method of Barbara McAfee (did you know your voice has fire and water in it?!), classical and musical theatre voice training, jazz improv, and a cappella beatboxing.

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