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*Mar 13*, Apr 24: MSP MMC Gatherings

Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Setlist from August 25 Songs for Tending our Hearts @ Yess Yoga

Here are the songs we sang at Songs for Tending Our Hearts at Yess Yoga on Friday night, August 25, 2023:
  1. The Center Will Hold (text: Brene Brown, from Atlas of the Heart; music: clb)
  2. Do You Feel? Do You Heal? (Words: Spirit; Music: Liz)
  3. Welcome here (Rachael Weasley)
  4. It’s ok, if you’re not ok (Kira Seto)
  5. How many times will my heart be broken* (Liza Walker?**)
  6. Love from the Inside Out (Moon Clemetson)
  7. Armor (Ahlay Blakely)
  8. Oh Grief, Oh Joy! (Debbie Nargi-Brown)
* We're looking for an online recording! If you know of one, please drop the link in the comments!
** If you know who caught this song, please let us know!  We honor the catcher when we can!

We are grateful to you if sang with us and to Yess Yoga for hosting.

There is one more quarterly Songs To Tend Our Hearts at Yess on Friday, November 17, 2023. Jot that in your calendar now and then check back here or subscribe to the "In-person singing groups" newsletter to receive a reminder email about this and other opportunities to sing together. Or just check-in with Yess Yoga's website.

Keep singing and stay cool, graceful, and creative!

Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. GOOD TROUBLE

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Aug 28: Aimee Ringle & Samara Jade in Mpls


We are so delighted that singer-songwriters and community song leaders Aimee Ringle & Samara Jade will be visiting Minneapolis next week!  We love sharing Samara Jade's labyrinth song "The Journey to the Center" and adore Aimee's presence at Village Fire

So if you're in the Minnesota/Twin Cities metro area, come on out!  If you're elsewhere, check out their website and sign up for their newsletter to see if they're coming to a locale near you.

What:  Community Sing & Concert with Aimee Ringle & Samara Jade
When:  Monday, August 28, 6-8 p.m.
Where:  Fireside Room of Mayflower Congregational Church, 106 Diamond Lake Rd, Minneapolis
Sliding Scale:  $15-20, pay as generous and affordable for you; no one turned away

Check out the Facebook event to learn more about them:  https://fb.me/e/BAXmJeoG

Monday, August 7, 2023

Fall 2023 Heart Songs Dates: biweekly resumes Sept 11!

What: Heart Songs: Lament, Longing, & Love (an online community space for you to bring your heart and your voice)

When: 6:30-8p CDT (05-UTC until Daylight Savings Time ends)

Dates for Fall 2023:  
  • September 11, 25
  • October 9, 23
  • November 6, 20
  • December 4, 18
Where: Online: https://zoom.us/j/431161455 (see call-in options below)

Gather for an informal singing time to re-center our hearts in community. Simple songs will be led paperlessly/taught by ear by Conie Borchardt, other song leaders, and you, if you have a song to share.

Join us. Bring friends. (Signup for the email reminder here; select Heart Songs)

Songs will be about the human experience and in that way, spiritual in nature, but not specifically religious.

This is a space intended for self-care, however that shifts for you in every moment. Bring water. Come and go. Sit in a chair, lie on the floor, or stand as you need to.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Aug 25: Songs for Tending Our Hearts


Date: Friday, August 25, 2023
Time: 7:30-9 pm
Location: Yess Yoga, 105 E 26th St, Minneapolis (map)
Sliding Scale: $5-$20
Register here


When it feels like the world is falling apart, singing in community together heals and centers us—we’re not alone.

Our culture desperately needs spaces where it is safe to feel your sorrow and the weight of the weary world. Come sing through the small and large griefs in your life and give them space to breathe and heal.

Song leaders Conie Borchardt and Liz Digitale Anderson (aka
GOOD TROUBLE) hold care-filled circles for you to find freedom in your voice, de-stress your nervous system, and move your body.

Every voice is welcome! We teach all the songs call and response- just open your mouth and echo back. We’ll sing songs to ground you, heal you, and help you breathe in the days to come.

Pre-register + pay what you can here: https://www.yessyogastudio.com/yoga-workshops/
$5-$20 sliding scale (No one turned away for lack of funds; we want you there!) You can also pay on the door.

  • Masks optional
  • Parking can be kind of tight around this block - leave yourself some extra time to find a spot!
  • As we're in a yoga studio, we ask people to leave their shoes at the entrance to keep the studio clean. If you want to bring a clean pair of indoor shoes to support your feet that's fine. Thank you!*
Future dates: Friday, November 17, 2023.