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*Mar 13*, Apr 24: MSP MMC Gatherings

Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Monday, June 26, 2023

Jul 6 & 7: Ahlay Blakely in Mpls

We are so delighted that song and grief tender Ahlay Blakely will be visiting Minneapolis next week!  You may recognize their name from songs we have shared.  Their One Body song ("I don't know if we're meant to carry ...") is definitely the top song we learned and shared last year. 

So if you're in the Minnesota/Twin Cities metro area, come on out!  If you're elsewhere, check out their website and sign up for their newsletter to see if they're coming to a locale near you.

What:  Song Circle with song + grief tender Alexandra "ahlay" Blakely
When:  Thursday, July 6 & Friday, July 7, 6-8:30 p.m.
Where:  Anam Cara House backyard, 3612 Bloomington Ave, Minneapolis
Sliding Scale:  $22-66, no one turned away
Facebook event here:  https://fb.me/e/etG6rskzH

p.s. As you look at Ahlay's website, you'll notice information about the Wails: Songs for Grief Project, a community singing recording project in Washington state at the end of July.  Good Trouble, Liz and Conie, will be there!  We are looking forward to the experience and bringing it back and sharing it with others.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

MN RUX, Year 2

There's too much to say and not enough time to say it, so sharing other folks' posts will have to do for now ... 

Awarded: MRAC Arts Impact for Individuals: DUP in Greater MN


BnR highlighted in Everyday Advocates


Jul 1: Exercising Our Voices & Bodies Toward Liberation @ Education for Liberation

What:  Exercising Our Voices & Bodies Toward Liberation: Call & Response Community Singing and Theater of the Oppressed workshop

When:  Saturday, July 1, 2023, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Where:  Black Youth Healing Arts, St. Paul

Description:  Good Trouble is leading a session for Education for Liberation's Let's Get Free series.  Be sure to checkout all the other offerings!

Register:  https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/lets-get-free-july-a-workshop-series-2233069

Here's an overview of all the Let's Get Free Saturdays:

Jul 27: Community Sing in Seattle - Songs for Your Body, On This Land

What:  A Community Sing in Seattle!  

Theme:  Songs For Your Body, On This Land

When:  Thursday, July 27, 2023

  • 5p - Bring Your Own Picnic!
  • 6-7:30p - SING!

Where:  Greenlake Park, Seattle, WA (see red pin on map for picnic & singing location, near Green Lake Boat Rental)  

Partners7400 Woodlawn Center for Community, Arts & Spirituality, Music that Makes Community, Good Trouble Songleading duo

  • Good Trouble, songleaders Conie Borchardt and Liz Digitale Anderson, will lead us!
  • The registration fee is $5 - 20, but no one will be turned away.
  • Register here, and use the COMMUNITY SING REGISTRATION in the drop down menu.
  • In case of inclement weather, check back at our website - 7400Woodlawn.org/Events for location update.
  • If you have questions, contact Harriet Platts at info@7400Woodlawn.org

More info and to register:  https://www.7400woodlawn.org/events

Aug 18: Abwoon Session at the Parliament of World Religions

: Abwoon:  Singing & Embodying the Prayer of Jesus in Aramaic at the Parliament of World Religions

When:  Friday, August 18, 2023, 1-2:30 p.m. 

Where:  McCormick Place, Chicago


This religious observance offers an experience of chanting, moving, and meditating with the Aramaic Prayer of Jesus (the “Lord’s Prayer”). Using Aramaic (either aloud or silent) offers a direct connection through vibration, sound, and breath to the spirituality of the person who used the words, as well as to the indigenous Christianity of the Middle East. All are welcome to join in the singing and the movement prayers. Facilitators welcome further questions and comments after the observance is complete. 

Partners:  Bro. Joe Kilikevice, Steve Miller

For more information on the ...

Monday, June 12, 2023

Setlists for 2023 MN Conference Annual Meeting


If you're reading this you probably attended Protecting God's Gift of Creation, the MN Conference UCC Annual Meeting Friday and Saturday, June 9-10, 2023 in St. Joseph, Minnesota.

Many of you have asked about the songs we sang and even expressed curiosity about the paperless song sharing skills to deliver some of the songs.  Here is a list of songs we sang with links to online recordings and related resources.   

Please be in touch if you have questions or comments about anything from our time together!  

Friday Morning Opening Worship
Friday Evening Banquet Worship

Saturday Closing Worship
Other Songs
  • Cultivate Courage** (words: Casper ter Kuile; music: Liz Digitale Anderson***)
  • Holding Song** (Ian Carrick)
* From Convergence Music Project.  See more detail below.
** Taught with paperless songleading skills from Music that Makes Community.  See more below.
*** No online recording available yet!  We'll edit the post when one becomes available.  Let us know in the comments if you find one first!

  • Music that Makes Community (MMC), https://www.musicthatmakescommunity.org/, practices communal song-sharing that inspires deep spiritual connection, brave shared leadership, and sparks the possibility of transformation in our world.  Workshops in Winona and Chicago are in the works soon!  Sign up for MMC's newsletter to get the latest details on upcoming workshops.
  • Convergence Music Projecthttps://www.convergencemp.com/.  Here's a little video about their online catalog:

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Setlist from June 5 - Song Circle for Change

Here are the songs we sang at the Song Circle for Change: Healing & Liberation at CTUL on Monday night, June 5, 2023:
  1. Lean into the River* (unknown)
  2. Loosen, Loosen (Aly Halpert)
  3. I did not come here alone (The Peace Poets)
  4. Holding Song (Ian Carrick)
  5. Be the light (Lea Morris; inspired by Amanda Gorman’s poem “The Hill We Climb”)
  6. I am Blessed (Desiree Dawson)
  7. Cultivate Courage** (Casper ter Kuile/Liz Digitale Anderson)
  8. The Way Knows the Way (Lyndsey Scott)
  9. We get there together (Or never get there at all) (Josh Blaine)
  10. Every step toward joy (words: Andre Henry; music: Liz Digitale Anderson)
* No known recording!(  Let us know if you find one in the comments!
** Liz and Sarah don't have these songs online yet. We'll let you know when they are!

Thank you to the crew who sang with us! The right people were there, tenderness and support were shared. Community was tended. This is part of the dream Liz and Conie are working towards!

Big gratitude to CTUL for hosting us!

We'll be back on July 3, the first Monday of the month. We'll take August off and figure out next steps. Let us know if you have opinions!

Keep singing and stay warm, hydrated, and creative!

Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. Good Trouble