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Saturday, March 11, 2023

Setlist from Mar 10 Songs for Tending our Hearts @ Yess Yoga

Here are the songs we sang at Songs for Tending Our Hearts at Yess Yoga on Friday night, March 10, 2023: 
  1. You are in the right place (Martha Burford)
  2. Gather / We Are Not Alone (Joanna Laws Landis)
  3. I need you to sing this song (Ian Carrick)
  4. Don’t numb to this (Abigail Bengson)
  5. Haida* (words & music: traditional Jewish niggun)
  6. The Center Will Hold (text: Brene Brown, from Atlas of the Heart; music: clb)
  7. I will let my heart be broken (Debbie Nargi-Brown)
  8. Healing is Possible (Orion Johnstone)
  9. Oh Grief, Oh Joy! (Debbie Nargi-Brown)
* We're looking for an online recording! If you know of one, please drop the link in the comments!

We are grateful to you if sang with us and to Yess Yoga for hosting. 

In 2023, we are planning to sing Songs To Tend Our Hearts quarterly at Yess. Jot these current dates in your calendar: Fridays, June 9, August 25 (tentative), and November 17, 2023. Then check back here or subscribe to the "In-person singing groups" newsletter to receive a reminder email about this and other opportunities to sing together. Or just check-in with the Yess website.

Keep singing and stay warm, graceful, and creative!

Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. GOOD TROUBLE 

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