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*Mar 13*, Apr 24: MSP MMC Gatherings

Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Songs from the Subzero Singalong at Art Shanty Projects

It's seems appropo to release the list of songs we sang at the Subzero Singalong (Saturdays, January 21 & February 4) at Art Shanty Projects on the day Mni'sota is digging out from a deep snowfall!  

You need good SNO SHANTIES* to sing while you shovel, don't you?

Here's a list of the Shanties we adapted with some of our favorite verses. Go to the link to see all of our verses and to let us know if more verses found you while on snow duty! 
  • We'll be Alright (as the Blizzard Rages On!)
    • ... if the house is snug & warm
    • ... if the pipes don't freeze & burst!
    • Well, a snow day off of school wouldn't do us any harm ...
  • Way Hey! Scrape and Shovel! (riffing off of Drunken Sailor)
    • What would we do without our shovels?
    • Is it Day 1 of a snow emergency? Is it Day 2 ... Is it Day 3?!?
    • Are the wipers frozen to the windshield?
  • Heya Ice!  Heya Snow!
    • When I was a child my mama told me / There’s No bad weather, just bad clothing ...
    • Old man Blizzard ain’t scaring no one / We lived through Halloween 1991!
  • Away! Haulaway!
    • The city says the flakes must be gone one day after snowfall / Away, Haulaway, we’ll haul away snow / Push it heave it shove it chip it, just be done before nightfall / Away, Haulaway, we’ll haul away snow
    • When you shovel please make sure you bend your knees to save your back / Away, Haulaway ... / Please don’t lick the flagpole if you wanna keep your tongue intact / Away, Haulaway...
* Shanties are work songs so a group, say on a ship, could work in time together. A leader would spool out the first line and everyone would echo it back.Here's other songs we sang

Mar 6, Apr 3, May 1, Jun 5, *Jul 3*: A Song Circle for Change: Healing & Liberation

When:  First Mondays, March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5, July 3
Time:  7-8:30 p.m.
Location:  CTUL, 3715 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis (map)

We are thrilled to partner with CTUL (Centro De Trabajadores Unidos En La Lucha) to offer this new song circle series. Anchored for BIPOC and Mixed Race bodies, we will sing for courage in the struggle and our collective work of healing and liberation together.

Starting March 6th, we will gather

Mar 10: Songs for Tending Our Hearts

Songs for Tending Our Hearts

Date: Friday, March 10, 2023
Time: 7:30-9 pm
Location:  Yess Yoga, 105 E 26th St, Minneapolis (map)
Sliding Scale: $5-$20
Register here

When it feels like the world is falling apart, singing in community together heals and centers us—we’re not alone.

Our culture desperately needs spaces where it is safe to feel your sorrow and the weight of the weary world. Come sing through the small and large griefs in your life and give them space to breathe and heal.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Aramaic Retreat in DSM: CANCELLED :(

We are so very sorry to inform you that The Breathing Life of All retreat with Neil Douglas-Klotz April 14 – 17 in Des Moines, IA has been cancelled. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Eventbrite will provide full refunds for those registered. Please let us know if there is any problem with that process.

Neil has experienced unanticipated complications

Snow Shanties #4: Way Hey! Scrape and Shovel!

Good Trouble, with our punny friend Karen Martinson, rewrote some classic sea shanties* for our landlocked Mni'sota winters. They were shared at the Art Shanty Projects festival during the Subzero Singalong this winter 2023 and were a hit!

Central Mni'sota is about to receive a foot or more of snow this week. So, we thought it's a good time to release these for use beyond the Art Shanty festival. Enjoy!

Four shanties were re-worked. Here is the last one!

* Shanties are work songs so a group, say on a ship, could work in time together. A leader would spool out the first line and everyone would echo it back.

Way hey, scrape and shovel

Way hey, scrape and shovel!
Way hey, scrape and shovel!
Way hey, scrape and shovel!
Early in the morning!

Verse 1
What would we do without our shovels (x3)
Early in the morning?    Chorus

Verse 2

Monday, February 20, 2023

Snow Shanties #3: Away! Haul Away!

Good Trouble, with our punny friend Karen Martinson, rewrote some classic sea shanties* for our landlocked Mni'sota winters. They were shared at the Art Shanty Projects festival during the Subzero Singalong this winter 2023 and were a hit!

Central Mni'sota is about to receive a foot or more of snow this week. So, we thought it's a good time to release these for use beyond the Art Shanty festival. Enjoy!

Four shanties were re-worked. Here are numbers two and three!  

Shanties are work songs so a group, say on a ship, could work in time together.  A leader would spool out the first line and everyone would echo it back.  

#3 - Away, Haulaway,

Away (ho!) Haul away, we'll haul away together
(Away haul away, we'll haul away SNOW)
Away (ho!) Haul away, we're bound for better weather
(Away haul away, we'll haul away SNOW)

The city says the flakes must be gone one day after snowfall
Away, Haulaway, we’ll haul away snow
Push it heave it shove it chip it just be done before nightfall
Away, Haulaway, we’ll haul away snow

Away (ho!) Haul away, we'll haul away together
(Away haul away, we'll haul away SNOW)
Away (ho!) Haul away, we're bound for better weather
(Away haul away, we'll haul away SNOW)

Slush, sleet, powder, blanket, dusting, flurry, what a mess

Snow Shanty #2: Heya Ice! Heya Snow!

Good Trouble, with our punny friend Karen Martinson, rewrote some classic sea shanties* for our landlocked Mni'sota winters. They were shared at the Art Shanty Projects festival during the Subzero Singalong this winter 2023 and were a hit!

Central Mni'sota is about to receive a foot or more of snow this week. So, we thought it's a good time to release these for use beyond the Art Shanty festival. Enjoy!

Four shanties were re-worked. Here is numbers two!

* Shanties are work songs so a group, say on a ship, could work in time together. A leader would spool out the first line and everyone would echo it back.

#2 - Heya Ice, Heya Snow!

Heya Ice, Heya Snow!
Heya Cold, Let the Wind Blow! (x2)

(When) I was a child my mama told me
(There’s) No bad weather, just bad clothing
Layer up warm as the temperature shifts
(And) Dig our cars out of the snowdrifts

Heya Ice, Heya Snow!
Heya Cold, Let the Wind Blow! (x2)

Polar Bear plunge gives you bragging rights

Snow Shanties #1: We'll Be Alright!

Good Trouble, with our punny friend Karen Martinson, rewrote some classic sea shanties* for our landlocked Mni'sota winters. They were shared at the Art Shanty Projects festival during the Subzero Singalong this winter 2023 and were a hit!

Central Mni'sota is about to receive a foot or more of snow this week.  So, we thought it's a good time to release these for use beyond the Art Shanty festival.  Enjoy!

Four shanties were re-worked.  Here's the first!

* Shanties are work songs so a group, say on a ship, could work in time together. A leader would spool out the first line and everyone would echo it back.

We'll Be Alright

Let it snow…..as the blizzard rages on!
Let it snow…..as the blizzard rages on!
Let it snow…..as the blizzard rages on!
As the blizzard rages on!!

Verse 1
We’ll be all right if gather round and sing 
We’ll be all right if gather round and sing 
We’ll be all right if gather round and sing 
As the blizzard rages on!!     

Verse 2

Friday, February 10, 2023

Feb 12: Grief Sing at *Re(center)ed Community Healing Shanty

Re(center)ed burning with artist Jayson Randall,
Liz Digitale Anderson (playing the drum),
and others singing and bearing witness. 
Photo credit:  Catherine Reid Day

Last weekend (Feb 4), GOOD TROUBLE added guest appearances to the *re(center)ed* community healing shanty installation before and after our Subzero Singalong sets at Art Shanty Projects.  

We were so intrigued after encountering it the first weekend (Jan 21) that we asked the artist, Jayson Randall, and their team if we could add a sound dimension to their beautiful installation. To share what might happen, Conie shared part of Ahlay Blakely's "We Are Not Alone" song and they immediately said yes, how would you like to collaborate?

We were deeply moved by the community drawn together and the sounds we made that we decided to plan a few more times for this Sunday, February 12.  


What:  Community Grief Song Circle @ re(center)ed community healing shanty.  Part of Art Shanty Projects 2023 Festival.

When:  Sunday, February 12, 1 & 3 p.m.