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Monday, October 31, 2022

Jan-Feb 2023: Subzero Singalong @ Art Shanties on Bde Unma

Good Trouble is delighted to be part of the Art Shanty Projects this winter!  

Don't know what the Art Shanty Projects are all about?  Let us tell you!

Art Shanty Projects creates a temporary community on a frozen lake centering art, whimsy, and weird winter experiences in Minnesota.  From the ASP About page:  

Since 2004 Art Shanty Projects has created whimsical, weird and joyful winter art experiences for grown ass adults and kids of all ages. Inspired by pop-up ice fishing villages, artists use the frozen lake as a public platform to create a temporary, interactive community. With few regulations and no building codes – and against intense and unpredictable winter weather conditions – artists have the freedom and challenge to create wild and wonderful work that can’t be experienced anywhere else. Together, with our visitors, we celebrate, champion, and embrace the extreme winter sport of art making. And, to answer everyone’s #1 question: Nope! We do not fish in our shanties. You’d need a license for that!

We proposed the Subzero Singalong where we'll sing Snow Shanties, of course!  (Don't worry. We aren't building anything ... just adding to the community atmosphere!)

This winter, the location is Bde Unma, Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, near the bandshell.  The festival is open weekends, 10a-4p, from January 21 - February 12, 2023.  Set those days aside for now.  :)  Or go to the fb-land event and say your Interested or even, Going.

There are so many fascinating, delightful, weird, fun, and meaningful projects proposed for this winter's on-ice program.  Go check them out!  There's a bunch of singing projects too! 

We committed to three 30-minute sets on two days. Here's the schedule post!  Dates are not yet set, but likely Saturday afternoon.  Stay tuned to hear which days we'll be on the lake!  


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