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Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Socially Distant Easter Dance: In the Bulb There Is a Flower

A angular sketch of
Tom Vetter's Flower in the Seed labyrinth
in prep for a large outdoor installation.
Early last week, I was starting to settle some ideas for the outdoor Easter Sunrise service the current congregation I serve has every year.  (Except last year, my first year with them.  Last year, we suspended it because it was the first month of pandemic life and we didn't know what we didn't know...)

One of the traditions I heard was the use of Natalie Sleeth's 1986 strophic text "In the Bulb There Is a Flower."  (New Century Hymnal #433)

Singing with other people during this respiratory pandemic honestly gives me the willies.  It's not quite rational and I'm sure some of it has to do with the ways that some of my ancestors have been tricked and hurt by oppressors.  Beside that, I'm interested in reducing paper waste and embodying our songs.  It didn't take long for the germ of an idea to bloom into something fully formed (ahem) that could be used for all verses ... and guide our social distancing.  :)

Here's the write-up: 

Spring 2021 BnR Update: Freeing Refrains

It's been a long time in coming, but it's here!  

After a long hibernation and germination process, Points of Light Music is excited to share the current stage of the Biracial & Rural project called Freeing Refrains!  

Freeing Refrains is a song circle and storytelling gathering, sharing one person’s mixed Asian story of growing up on the predominantly white rural plains of Minnesota before the internet.

This story launches Biracial & Rural (BnR), a community of care and storytelling space connecting rural-urban and BIPOC-white communities. Through Freeing Refrains, Points of Light Music is calling in other BIPOC folks to come together for support, encouragement, skill sharing, and connection.

In Summer 2021, we're planning to bring Freeing Refrains to Greater Minnesota in outdoor socially distant performances around the state. We would love your assistance in lots of ways!  
Please visit the Freeing Refrains page for more details and then go to our Contact Us page and connect.