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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

To Elemental Joy Registered Participants: Exploring in the Ether

Greetings, registered Elemental Joy Dancers, Leaders, and Musicians,

Morgan, Jennifer, Saleem, and Conie are sad and disappointed that the public health precautions around the coronavirus will keep us from dancing, singing, and praying together in person in late April. We understand these serious measures are necessary to protect the vulnerable and support the healthcare systems from being overloaded. We pray and hope that we can circle together again soon with more joy and gratitude after being apart.

That said, we are curious and excited to explore what joy we can invite and invoke during this time of virtual connection. We believe there is benefit to be found in gathering to sing (all muted except the leader, of course) our prayers, to listen, remember, and experience the wisdom of the elements in song, movement, ritual, breath, walks, and creativity. Who knows what surprise gifts and blessings may come forth through this offering?

Would you join us in the ether for this adventure?

We hope so.

Please let us know your intention by completing the following online survey. Read on to learn more about how your registration fee will be applied and refund questions we will ask.

Registration Fees

  • Dancer registration fees are reduced to $100 for the whole online retreat, Fri evening through Sun morning. 
  • Leader/musician registration fees are unchanged though how we are approaching the collaboration is shifting.  Stay tuned for more details to come.  

As some of our leaders' income has been affected by coronavirus precautions, we are asking folks to consider forwarding all or part of their fees to the leaders. We also understand that some of our registered participants may be financially impacted by the same circumstances and will gladly refund all lodging, meals, and registration if attending the virtual retreat is no longer feasible.

The survey will ask the following questions:

  1. Will you attend the virtual retreat? Yes, No, and Other with space for comment are answer options
  2. If you reserved lodging and meals, how would you like to handle those monies? Forward to leaders, Refund all, and a mixed answer with a space for comment are answer options
  3. If you are not attending the virtual retreat, how would you like to handle the registration fee? Answer options are the same as Question 2, plus "I am attending the Virtual Retreat"
  4. For those requesting refunds, please confirm mailing and email addresses for checks and PayPal.
  5. Name so we update our records appropriately
If you sign-up for the virtual retreat and later cannot attend, please notify organizers by Saturday morning, April 25 so we can issue a refund if desired. Sessions will not be recorded.

Please complete this survey, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MXV3ZJB, by Thu, April 2 to be included in the first row of processing refunds. The survey will remain open until Mon, April 13, 2020.

We hope you join us for this virtual retreat. Wherever you are on life's journey, may you be well, happy, and healing.

Morgan, Conie, Jennifer, and Saleem

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