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*Mar 13*, Apr 24: MSP MMC Gatherings

Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Monday, December 30, 2019

Meet Your Elemental Joy Retreat Leaders

We are excited to introduce the four retreat leaders for Elemental Joy. Here are their bios. We asked them to answer a few questions and their responses will be revealed over the next few weeks.

Without further ado ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dec 22: A Carol Festival!

Did you know that Carol is the French word for Dance?  

That means those Carols we sing during Christmastide are intended to be danced!

Join us in dancing the carols!

When:  Sunday, December 22, 2019, 4-5:30 p.m.
Where:  Edina Morningside Church, 
              4201 Morningside Road, Edina

Bring yourself and a nosh to share if you'd like.  

We'll teach you all the dances.  And have lyrics and hymnals for those who wish to sing.  And have hot apple cider!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nov 14: Support "Biracial & Rural" on Give to the Max Day!

Thursday, November 14, 2019 is Give to the Max Day in Minnesota! 

It's the Great MN Give Together! 

I have a personal storytelling project that I've been wanting to share for a few years now. It's called Biracial & Rural. And it's time to bring it to the fore. 

More details about what it is and why I feel so compelled to do it are at

We hope you are excited to support Biracial & Rural on Give to the Max Day.  

Please give generously on Nov 14! 

You can contribute to the project at the GiveMN.org link or the giving widget on the right side of this page.  

Points Of Light Music (PLM) is a fiscally sponsored project of Springboard for the Arts. What that means is that Springboard for the Arts has a legal contract with PLM to allow us to use their non-profit status to do fundraising.  When you make a contribution to Biracial and Rural, technically you're donating to Springboard for the Arts and then they regrant the funds to us (after taking a 5-7% administration fee*).  

On Give to the Max Day, Springboard is waiving their 5% administration fee on GiveMN.org transactions to encourage giving.  Translation:  Thu, Nov 14, 2019** is the best day to contribute to Biracial and Rural.

Isn't that awesome?!?  If you'd like to support Springboard and their mission for supporting artists (and communities) with resources to make a living and a life, go to https://givemn.org/organization/Springboard-For-The-Arts

Thank you for supporting Biracial & Rural on Nov. 14!
* Why the 5-7% fee?  Springboard takes 5% for GiveMN.org transactions and 7% for all other contributions via cash or check***.  GiveMN.org charges 6.9% per transaction and so Springboard lowers their admin fee to 5% for GiveMN.org donations to help artists retain more of your contribution.  On Give to the Max Day (11/14/19), Springboard is waiving their admin fee all together, so this is the best day to give!

** Unfortunately, this does not apply to donations placed in the preceding days where GiveMN.org allows folks to schedule their giving.

*** If you'd like to contribute by check, make it out to "Springboard for the Arts" with "Points of Light Music" in the memo line, then mail it to "Points of Light Music, P.O. Box 11791, St. Paul, MN 55111."

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Save the Date: Apr 24-26, 2020: Elemental Joy - a DUP retreat

The next Dances of Universal Peace retreat in Iowa has been announced.  Save the Date! 

Theme:  Elemental Joy!
Guest Leaders: Morgan Rivers, Jen Friedman, Saleem Adam Wolter, and Conie Borchardt with a host of Midwest Dance Leaders and Musicians

When:  Friday, April 24-Sunday 26, 2020
Where:  Newton Christian Conference Center, 5064 Lincoln St., Newton, IA
More details:  For Dancers.  For Dance Leaders and Musicians.  

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Oct 10-12: MMC & DUP in Chicago

Music that Makes Community is returning to Chicago for a multi-day event!  Check your calendars and make plans to attend!  Invite others!  (And Yes, I'm honored to be invited back to be one of the co-presenters) 

When:  Thu, Oct 10, 2p - Sat, Oct 12, 4p
Where:  Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1100 E. 55th  St., Chicago, IL 60615
More info, Registration:  MMC website

Dances of Universal Peace will be offered as part of workshop programming as a similar and adjacent practice on Friday evening.  Please join us!

When:  Fri, Oct 11, 7-8:30 p.m.
More info:  Facebook event

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Song/Dance: I Planted Seeds: Where & How

Have you sung and danced "I Planted Seeds" recently?  Has it taken root in your ears and heart and started to grow?  

Are you wanting to share it with other people in other places and would like to make sure you're getting it right by the creator?  

Will you be reprinting the words and wish to appropriately credit the source?  

We're glad this song and dance has meaning for you as it does for us!  

Here's the information you are looking for to double check your understanding of the song and dance, the appropriate way to cite it, and some bonus words from its originator about how to share it with others.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Retreat Schedule for The Music & The Dance

The Music and the Dance 
Musicianship and Dance Leader Training with Anahata Iradah 

Thursday, April 25
2 – 3 PM: Arrive
3 – 5 PM: Session 1
5:30 – 6:30: Dinner
7 - 9 PM: Session 2
9PM: #1 Individual Session with Anahata
9:30PM: #2 Individual Session with Anahata

Friday, April 26
7AM: #3 Individual Session with Anahata
7:30: #4 Individual Session with Anahata
8 – 9AM: Breakfast
9:30 – 12:00: Session 3
12:30 – 1:30: Lunch
1:30 – 3:00: Free Time
3 – 5 PM: Session 4
5:30 – 6:30: Dinner
7 – 9 PM: Evening Session led by Leaders and Musicians from The Music and The Dance retreat, inviting early-bird Dancers

Saturday, April 27
7 – 8 AM: Meditation led by Anahata
8 – 9 AM: Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00: Session 5
11:30 – 12:30: One-hour session, inviting in early-bird Dancers, co-led by Anahata and Conie
12:30 – 1:30: Lunch
1:30 – 3:00: Free Time
3:00: Dancing Ourselves Awake Begins - See that schedule here

Sunday, April 28
Dancing Ourselves Awake continues thru lunch
1:30 – 2:30PM: Final The Music and The Dance completion session with Anahata 
2:30:  All depart

NOTE: # 5 – 10 Individual Sessions with Anahata will be woven in throughout the training, either in private sessions or within the circle

Read more about the retreat here, more about Anahata here, here, here, and here, and to register, go here!

Retreat Schedule for Dancing Ourselves Awake

Dancing Ourselves Awake
A Dances of Universal Peace Retreat with Anahata Iradah

"What if each dance called forth from us the ability to be so present that time stands still and we are living exactly in the present moment? What would we need to do, to adjust, to let go of to allow that to happen? What would we need to do to dance ourselves awake?”

Saturday, April 27
2 – 3 PM: Arrive
3 – 5 PM: 1st Session
5:30 – 6:30: Dinner
7 – 9 PM: 2nd Session

Sunday, April 28
7 – 8 AM: Meditation with Anahata
8 – 9 AM: Breakfast
9:30 – 12:00: 3rd Session
12:30 – 1:30: Lunch

Optional Add-On for Early-Bird Dancers
Come for Dinner and Dances led by the Leaders and Musicians who have been in training with Anahata

Friday, April 26
4 – 5 PM: Arrive
5:30 – 6:30: Dinner
7 – 9 PM: Evening Session

Saturday, April 27
7 – 8 AM: Meditation with Anahata
8 – 9 AM: Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00: Personal retreat time, or join in Mandala Rock Painting led by Mary Ann Koch
11:30 – 12:30: One-hour session co-led by Anahata and Conie Borchardt
12:30 – 1:30: Lunch
1:30 – 3:00: Free Time

Dancing Ourselves Awake begins with Anahata at 3PM (see the above).

Read more about the retreat here, more about Anahata here, here, here, and here, and to register, go here!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Experiment: Embodied Worship in Sound and Movement

You're invited to an experiment in worship!  

What:  An Experiment in Embodied Worship*
When:  Mon, March 25, 2019, 7 p.m.
Where:  St. Anne's Episcopal Church
             2035 Charlton Road, Sunfish Lake, MN (map below)

Let's breakdown what an Experiment in Embodied Worship is...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Spring DUP Circles in TC, IA, WI

There's lots of Dance Circles gathering this spring that Conie from Points of Light Music will be sharing song and movement.  

Come! Invite others!  

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Highlighting Anahata (Vision for the Dances)

We're getting to know Anahata Iradah, the featured guest Dance Leader and trainer for the 2019 Newton, Iowa Dances of Universal Peace retreat (Dancing Ourselves Awake & The Music and The Dance). We've asked her a few questions and she has been kind and gracious enough to answer them, even while she's travelling in Brazil! We hope you enjoy reading about this as much as we have!


PLM: Where do you dream the Dances will be 50 years from now?

Anahata:  For me the question is a little broader than this. For me the question is more like “will the rituals and ceremonies that we need for the survival of the planet be available for humanity 50 years from now”? What the rituals actually look like is not so important, nor the name that we give them. What is important is that we pass down the tools we need from generation to generation. For our indigenous friends, dance is as important as eating and drinking. So we imagine that dance will always exist. What is essential is that our sense of awe for creation is protected, our reverence for life. We need to value our inter-connectedness. We need to preserve the honoring of our ancestors and the wisdom of our elders. If the Dances continue to hold these values, then they will survive. What I feel the Dances do best is to show us the paths that are cherished by the devotees of the many faith traditions. As long as the earth still has people of many faiths, then the Dances show us the perfect way to tread lightly in the footsteps of the devotees and to taste a little of the nectar of their traditions. Probably as planetary consciousness evolves the Dances will evolve too. Most likely in fifty years from now the Dances will mirror the concerns, joys, sorrows and prevailing wisdom of the seekers of that era.

Anahata presenting Morgan and Cindy a gift of appreciation
at the end of the 2017 Newton retreat
Join us for The Music & The Dance or Dancing Ourselves Awake, late April in Newton, Iowa.  Follow the links for more information and to register.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Highlighting Anahata (Being a Dance Leader/Musician Means...)

We're getting to know Anahata Iradah, the featured guest Dance Leader and trainer for the 2019 Newton, Iowa Dances of Universal Peace retreat (Dancing Ourselves Awake & The Music and The Dance). We've asked her a few questions and she has been kind and gracious enough to answer them, even while she's travelling in Brazil! We hope you enjoy reading about this as much as we have!


Anahata leading Dances of Universal Peace

PLM:  What does it mean to you to share the Dances as a Dance Leader and Musician?

Anahata:  The most precious thing we have on this earth is our time spent here. So for me to be deserving of having a circle around me, it is my sacred responsibility to use that time wisely and well.

Because there are an infinite amount of possibilities and ways people can spend their time, I realize that they have selected to be in the circle because there is an experience their soul is needing.

It is my job to find out what that might be in any given moment and also to find out what the group soul needs as well.

So once I have tuned in to what that need is, it is my job to shape the energy, to prepare the space, to create the opening for that transformation to take place. Whether as a dance musician or leader, it is my job to use my gifts to meet that need in the best way I know how. All the time listening, fine tuning, crafting and shaping that experience in the same way an artist applies the brush to the canvas. The results will be felt on many levels, and can bring inspiration and courage as well as states of deep peace and silence. So there is a responsibility to wear the mantle of leadership with respect and humility.

Join us for The Music & The Dance or Dancing Ourselves Awake, late April in Newton, Iowa.  Follow the links for more information and to register.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Highlighting Anahata (Encountering the Dances)

We're getting to know Anahata Iradah, the featured guest Dance Leader and trainer for the 2019 Newton, Iowa Dances of Universal Peace retreat (Dancing Ourselves Awake & The Music and The Dance). We've asked her a few questions and she has been kind and gracious enough to answer them, even while she's travelling in Brazil! We hope you enjoy reading about this as much as we have!


PLM:  Tell us about your first encounter with the Dances of Universal Peace. 

Anahata:  I actually have two first encounters, one actual and one that is shrouded with mystery.

The actual encounter happened through a T.V. show that I was helping to produce in Los Angeles around 1985. I was invited to compose the theme music for a Cable T.V. show called Women to Women. It was an interview show with important women of the time, politicians and such. As a thank you for composing the theme music they gave me my own one show segment. I decided to invite my healing teacher Rosalyn Bruyere to be my featured guest. She was a “natural healer” that was scientifically documented. I wanted to find a medical doctor who was interested in natural healing. Someone told me about a medical doctor in La Canada by the name of Dr. Susan Bennett. I went to meet her and she was delighted to be on the show, because she had always wanted to meet Rosalyn. She gave me her business card and it said “Dr. Susan Bennett Shakura”. I asked her why she had a “funny” last name and she responded that she was a Sufi and did the Dances of Universal Peace, and would I like to come! She told me did it at 4.00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons.

So that was the invitation. So most Sundays, I would go to a friend’s house for a pot luck gathering and one of the women would leave every Sunday to go somewhere. We all had no idea where. Well on the next Sunday this woman got up to leave around 3 p.m. and so did I! She had to leave and I had to leave to go to meet Dr. Susan Bennett Shakura. Well, when I arrived at my destination, low and behold my friend (Linda Gibson) was at this meeting. She said to me “what are you doing here?”. And I said the same to her! It turned out that my friend Linda was Tasnim Fernandez’ guitarist for the Dances and she also played for Shakura. I had my guitar with me and Linda showed me open G tuning and I began my initiation into the Dances of Universal Peace. Shakura introduced me to Tasnim and Tasnim introduced me to Saadi and my career began at this moment.

But the other encounter that is shrouded in mystery could almost be a dream. Some time before I was formally introduced to the Dances in the way I describe above, I participated in a couple of dances. The problem is I cannot recall the context, nor can I trace the leaders of the group who came to share them. What I recall is that I was in some kind of group and an outside person (or people) came to share a few Dances of Universal Peace. As I participated they told me that they thought I was born to dance these dances. I felt myself to be in another world, not of this earth. I even recall that they said they were from the Lama Foundation. Later on when I was firmly connected with Lama I tried to trace the leaders who shared those dances, and no one knew who they could be. So this is why I say the telling of this version of my first encounter is shrouded in mystery. I am grateful it took place, but have no way of verifying whether this was a dream or reality!

Join us for The Music & The Dance or Dancing Ourselves Awake, late April in Newton, Iowa.  Follow the links for more information and to register.  

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Highlighting Anahata (Extended bio)

Introducing Anahata Iradah 

When Anahata Iradah picked up her first musical instrument at the age of seven she was sure that she had entered the angelic realms. She has been transporting people there ever since, through her ministry of music and dance.

Born and raised in England, she received advanced diplomas from the London College of Music before heading for the United States. There she was introduced to the Dances of Universal Peace, a tradition that celebrates the unity of religious ideals through simple circle dances using the sacred words of the world’s great religious traditions.

Since 1990 she has made great contributions to this tradition. As a musician, she has arranged, recorded, notated and composed many of the treasured songs that accompany the dances. As a teacher she is known for her depth. Having absorbed the background of the dances, she leads her circles into the profound atmosphere of each culture. As a core member of the Mentor Teacher’s Guild, she has developed comprehensive curriculum to assist her “mentees” in developing their own dance leading skills. 

Ever seeking to broaden her personal experience she graduated from the Healing Light Center Church in Glendale California where she studied to be a natural healer. She received her certificate of Ministry from this church.

Working closely for many years with Shinzen Young, a respected Buddhist scholar and meditation instructor, she has incorporated the profound teachings of Buddhism into her work.

Inspired by the brilliance of the Sufi path she studied to become a Semazen in the Mevlevi tradition, the whirling dervishes, guided by Jelaluddin Loras in the direct lineage of Rumi.

She studied to be a film composer at UCLA which became excellent preparation for her work in producing a series of video documentaries about the Dances of Universal Peace and the Mandala Dance of the 21 Praises of Tara.

Becoming interested in citizen diplomacy through music and dance, she co-led a group of pilgrims to the Middle East in 1993 . The delegation met with refugees, spiritual and political leaders and offered the Dances wherever they went.

She co-led with Prema two pilgrimages to offer the Tara Dance to Tibetan Refugees in India and Nepal. They also co-led a group to South India.

Anahata traveled and taught with Prema for 11 years. She wrote many wonderful melodies and created fabulous dances during this time. She continues to work tirelessly in the service of sacred music and dance. She serves Tara Dhatu selflessly as the Artistic Director.

Anahata teaches with gentleness and openheartedness. Her music and the poetry of her understanding leads her students into the breadth and depth of the human heart.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

May 30-Jun 1: MMC in UTS-TC

Music that Makes Community is returning to the Twin Cities for a multi-day event!  Check your calendars and make plans to attend!  Invite others!  (And Yes, I'll honored to be invited back to be one of the co-presenters)

When:  Thu, May 30, 6p - Sat, Jun 1, 5p
Where:  United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities' new St. Paul campus, 767 Eustis St. 
More info, Registration:  MMC website

2019 Wanderings and Playdates?

Spring and Summer 2019 are shaping up to be full of sound and movement adventure!  

"The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with One Step"
- Lao Tsu (with apologies)
I would love to collaborate, co-create, and make community while I'm out and about.  Reach out if you'd like some sound and movement in your area.  Or connect me with folks you know in and around where my travels will be.  

Aug 3-10: Holden Village Musician

Andrea Sorum and I are heading to Holden Village in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State again this year.  This time in August, the 3rd-10th.  

I'd say "Join us!" but just read this on their website:/  

For the Lutherans among us, it's THE Pilgrimage to make so I'm not that surprised the WaitList is running.  

We had a lot of fun last year.  Here's a few of the pictures from that trip (since I didn't post them online already).

Apr 24-26: (Churchy) Musicians Retreat at Kanuga, NC

Churchy musicians, Untie!  I mean, Unite!  

What:  Musician's Retreat 
Where:  Kanuga Conference Center, Henderson, NC (their map)
When:  Tue, Apr 23-Fri, Apr 26, 2019

I've been invited to join these cool cats in creating a retreat for church musicians the week after Easter.  There will be a lot of wisdom in the room, especially if you're there!  

Come! Bring your burning questions!  Your heartaches!  Your creative innovation and passion!  We need all of you! 

Info re: registration, fees, scholarships, etc. in the link above!  

Seeing God Exhibit 2019

You're invited to ...

What:  "Seeing God" 2019 Juried Exhibit of Sacred Art
Where:  Benedictine Center Of St. Paul's Monastery, 2675 Benet Road St. Paul, MN 55109 (map)
When:  now through March 8, 2019, open 9a-6p daily

Related events
- Opening Reception:  Wed, Jan 30, Feb 6, 7-8:30p
- Artist Conversation: Sun, Feb 10, 1-3p

Some of the artwork in the 2018 "Seeing God" Show

For the second year in a row, Conie has stepped outside of the music box and into the realm of visual art.  


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Now Open! Registration for the 2019 DSM retreat!