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*Mar 13*, Apr 24: MSP MMC Gatherings

Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

SHHH! Aug 3 with Laura Caviani, guest song leader

The August edition of Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts!
(SHHH!) in the Library is

Thursday, August 3, 2017, 7-8:30 p.m.
with guest song leader Laura Caviani!
Laura Caviani, guest song leader for August 3, 2017
East Side Freedom Library
1105 Greenbrier St., St. Paul
Thank you, East Side Freedom Library!

A free-will offering will be collected for the guest song leader and the space. 
Suggested amount is $5-10 ~ though don't let that amount keep you away.
Points of Light Music:  Tell us about yourself. 
Laura Caviani: I play piano, compose, and teach music at Carleton College. I feel fortunate to have made my way through life making music, in some way shape or form, for a living.
For me, my favorite part of music is improvising. I studied improvisation and composition at both Lawrence U. in WI and at the U. of MI in Ann Arbor.
Currently, I live in the Twin Cities, and love it. Minnesota is my home state. I grew up learning songs at home, at church, at school, and around many campfires, namely Camp Koinonia (Hennepin Ave. United Methodist Church) and Camp Olson, a YMCA camp near Longville. I'm recently loving re-learning all of these songs again, and am looking forward to passing them along to interested folks. I'm also looking forward to learning more songs by ear, myself, and to help others learn how to improvise, compose, and get to know their voices.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Highlighting Annie Zijlstra

The lovely Annie Zijlstra
So who is this Annie Zijlstra who will be leading our singing on Thursday evening? 
I had the opportunity to sing with her last summer in Powderhorn Park before she headed to Europa, which confirmed the welcoming and skilled presence she brings to community singing.  I started following her on Instagram (@zestinaferna) and discovered she's a forager, lover of the forest and other wild places, a chocolatier, and handy in many ways.  But who is she?  I decided it was time to ask her some questions...


PLM: Tell us about yourself. 
AZ: I grew up singing in the flat wind-humming prairie lands of northern Iowa. My voice was shaped by a childhood of abundant wide open spaces, a brand of hardiness acquired from the unrelenting sub-zero winters of the great plains, a whole load of family and teachers who never told me not to sing, and years of classical training grounded in an adulthood immersion in a grassroots, living culture of people who sing for the aliving of themselves and all of life in the places they call home.