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*Mar 13*, Apr 24: MSP MMC Gatherings

Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Feb 10: MMC at SW MN ELCA event

Points of Light Music is excited to be co-presenting two hour long Music that Makes Community workshop with John Jahr in Willmar, MN in February.  It is one of many sessions being offered to ELCA congregations in the Southwest Minnesota synod as part of their Equipping Congregations Day.  If you're part of one of these churches, check with your pastor or synod representative to see how you can register to attend.
Conie grew up in an ELCA church in Southwestern Minnesota surrounded by folks who nurtured and supported her budding musicianship and vocation as a church musician.  It seems like a homecoming to return to the area where she attended summer bible camp to offer new music tools and resources for lay and clergy in the small congregations of her youth. 
Points Of Light Music is very interested in bringing the paperless song leading tools and resources to the congregations and communities of rural Minnesota.  If you're not able to attend this workshop in Willmar, reach out to shine@pointsoflightmusic.net to talk about scheduling a 60-90 minute workshop in your community.  In addition to MMC tools and resources, Points Of Light Music offers Dances of Universal Peace events, Full Voice coaching sessions, spiritual direction/companioning, and more.  See the right column for more details. 

Music that Makes Community

Friday, December 1, 2017

Highlight Brenna Everson!

Brenna leading at dusk
Points Of Light Music is SO excited to have Brenna Everson lead us in song in December!   

We asked her a few questions about herself and singing.  The following is what she had to say: 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Nov 15: Dances in Chicago

What:  Dances of Universal Peace with Heather Hayat & Conie
Where:  First United Church, 848 Lake St, Oak Park, IL
When:  Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 7 p.m.

Facebook event link to share with others! 

Many, many thanks to Heather Hayat and Len for being willing local organizers for this event! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Singing & Dancing in NJ and West Central MN

In October Points of Light Music did a lot of Wandering...
Wandering HeARTist at work
We were the onsite coordinator and one of five co-leaders a 3-day Music that Makes Community workshop at Cross Roads Camp & Retreat Center near Port Murray, New Jersey.  From MMC's facebook page: 

And from Cross Road's page: 

The following week we were in west central Minnesota.  First stop, Vinje Lutheran Church in Willmar where we lead MMC style songleading for a Wednesday evening service. 

Next stop was A Place to Move dance studio in Morris, MN to share the Dances of Universal Peace on a Thursday evening. 

All of these feel like seeds for more collaboration and partnership.  We're looking forward to nurturing these and others with light, water, spaciousness, and love. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Upcoming Singing Opportunities

Ooo!  So many delicious singing opportunities.  Find yourself at one or all of them!

The December and last edition of
Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts
(SHHH!) in the East Side Freedom Library (ESFL) is
**Updated: Friday, December 8, 2017, 7-8:30 p.m.
with guest leader Brenna Everson

Brenna leads with heart and groove.  And catches sweet tunes and meaningful words.  Come.  This will be good. 

Reflections from UST Labyrinth installation

A lone labyrinth walker (Photo taken from Dr. Mauer's office in Herrick Hall/ (c) PLM)
It's been a busy month and I'm just getting around to reflecting on the labyrinth installation I did at the University of St. Thomas almost three weeks ago.  Other than pondering if I answered the question of "Did I pick the correct present to pay attention to in the meantime?" I'm really grateful for the opportunity to install an unusual temporary design in a beautiful and interesting space with materials that were new to me. 

Special shout-outs to ...

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


We at Points Of Light Music announce the following changes to our monthly programming: 
These changes flag changes ahead. 

For Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts, the December sing will be our last at the East Side Freedom Library.  It will be a good one with Brenna Everson as our guest leader, so make plans to attend on Thu, Dec 7!  (here she is leading a song...)

As for Dances of Universal Peace on the 3rd Saturday of the month, we've been noticing a few things: our primary leader has been out of town for most of the 3rd Saturdays this year; this primary leader also has church jobs on Sunday mornings and evenings and pondering if having another leader/facilitator intensive space right before it is wise (probably not).  Some of what we're noticing externally is the local kirtan community is pretty active on Saturday evenings. 

So, SHHH and DUP are looking for new dates and times and places. If you have preferences, suggestions, and ideas, please drop us a line at shine@pointsoflightmusic.net.  Or just complete the poll on the side of the page.

We greatly appreciate your interest and look forward to dancing and singing with you soon! 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Oct 26: Dances of Universal Peace in West Central MN

What:  Dances of Universal Peace
Where:  A Place to Move, 714 Columbia Ave, Morris, MN
When:  Thursday, October 27, 2017, 7-8:30 p.m.

Facebook event link to share with others! 

Many, many thanks to Argie and Ferolyn for being willing local organizers for this event! 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Oct 26: DUP and more in West Central MN

Details are still in the works, but it's sounding like I'll be leading Dances of Universal Peace in Morris, Minnesota on Thursday evening, October 26, 2017.  Yay!

I'll be in Willmar, MN the night before, leading songs during worship at Vinje Lutheran Church and I'm looking to fill my time in West Central MN with offerings of Full Voice group workshops or lessons, Dances of Universal Peace, spiritual direction/companionship, or installing a temporary labyrinth or facilitating a Doodling workshop. Would you like to see these in your community?  Know someone in the area who would like to this?  I appreciate any referrals you can pass along. 

Stay tuned for more details!

Oct 9-13: Labyrinth at UST

The Project for Mindfulness & Contemplation at the University of St. Thomas asked me to install a temporary labyrinth for their Mindfulness Week.  Here's the flier they created for the event.  Please come and walk it!  It is open to the community.  When it gets closer, I'll give more directions on how to find the labyrinth.

Oct 17: DUP at Cross Roads, NJ

I'll be in New Jersey October 16-18 assisting in Music that Makes Community's 3-day workshop at Cross Roads Retreat Camp and Center

The logos of Music that Makes Community
and Dances of Universal Peace
overlapping, cross-pollinating!

I'm especially excited for Tuesday evening, October 17 when I'll be leading an hour of Dances of Universal Peace for the MMC participants.  I love it when I get to cross-pollinate my work areas (thus, the overlapping logos here:)

If you're in the area and want to check it the 3-day retreat, or know someone on the East Coast who is looking for musical enrichment or professional development, send them!  Registration ends Sunday, October 8. 

And if you want to check out the Dances for the evening, reach out and let me know. 

Oct 25: Willmar residency, part 2

Last night I got to lead paperless songs, a la Music that Makes Community, at a Wednesday evening Eucharist service at Vinje Lutheran Church, in Willmar, MN at the invitation of their music director, John Jahr. 

Music that Makes Community logo

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Highlighting Liesl Spitz

Our Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts (SHHH) in the Library guest song leader for October is Liesl Spitz.  We have a common background in Music that Makes Community, the organization that is enriching and revitalizing the songs of the church with paperless, aural tradition techniques.  I had the fortunate blessing of collaborating with her for a half day workshop at Concordia College, Moorhead earlier this month and am just thrilled that she is able to join us in October.
Points Of Light Music (PLM):  Tell us about yourself. 
Liesl Spitz (LS):  Hello! I am a recent transplant to the Twin Cities. I’m on the path to ordination in the Lutheran Church, and for the next two years I’ll be working at Trinity Lutheran Congregation in Cedar-Riverside and Nonviolent Peaceforce in St. Paul. I’m originally from San Francisco and come to Minnesota by way of the east coast.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Oct 5: SHHH with MMC's Liesl Spitz

The October edition of Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts!
(SHHH!) in the Library is

Thursday, Oct 5, 2017, 7-8:30 p.m.

with guest song leader Liesl Spitz!

East Side Freedom Library
1105 Greenbrier St., St. Paul

Thank you, East Side Freedom Library!

A free-will offering will be collected for the guest song leader and the space.
Suggested amount is $5-10 ~ though don't let that amount keep you away.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Singing in the Light, Fall 2017 with Doug von Koss on 9/18

Points of Light Music recommends Singing in the Light, the community song circle Barbara McAfee hosts, because they has been so influential to us. So yump (that's a Barbara word) on in and find yourself joining in...
Barbara McAfee and Doug von Koss
What: Singing in the Light - Community singing for everyone in the oral tradition....just for the joy of it!
Where: Hennepin Ave United Methodist Church,
the 2nd floor Art Gallery,
511 Groveland Ave, Minneapolis
When: 4-6 p.m. (unless otherwise noted)
  • Monday, September 18, 7-9 p.m. - with the irresistible song wizard - Doug von Koss
  • Sunday, October 22
  • Sunday, November 12
  • Sunday, December 3
  • Sunday, January 21
Suggested donation: $10-$20 (but don't let money keep you away....)
An ongoing fundraiser for community programs at Mar de Jade Holistic Lifestyle Center, Chacala, Mexico (And the Minnesota Men's Conference Scholarship Fund on 9/18/17).

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sept 9: 1/2 Day MMC Workshop in Moorhead

Want to experience the paperless Music that Makes Community for worship settings?  And live in the Fargo-Moorhead corner of Minnesota-North Dakota? 

You're in luck! 

I will be co-leading a half-day workshop with Liesl Spitz as part of Concordia College's

Sing A New Song: A Day of Discovery, Renewal, and Refreshment for the Church Musician.

When:  Saturday, September 9, 1-5p (with morning breakout sessions on organ improvisation, choral techniques, audio recording basics, and software for the church musicians)
Where:  Concordia College, 901-8th St. S, Moorhead, MN

Registration and more information on Facebook

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Highlighting Lia Falls

Lia Falls, Sept 2017 SHHH Guest Leader
Prolific sound and songweaver Lia Falls will be our guest song leader at Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts on Thursday, September 7 at the East Side Freedom Library.  We asked her a few questions to get to know her better...   
Points Of Light Music (PLM):  Tell us about yourself:
Lia Falls (LF): I am an artist, a mother, a hospice Devoted Companion, end-of-life harpist and singer,  a lover of in-between places.  BFA, MFA, Yoga of the Voice certificate, Full Voice coach, Contemplative Musicianship certificate....I love to study and explore.    I am fascinated by emptiness and how actions push into it, shape it.  I love questions.  How does sound shape the silence?   How do we, as humans, dwell in sound and silence together?  
I am in love with oral tradition.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sept 7 SHHH! Guest Song Leader Lia!

The August edition of Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts!
(SHHH!) in the Library is

Thursday, September 7, 2017, 7-8:30 p.m.

with guest song leader Lia Falls!

East Side Freedom Library
1105 Greenbrier St., St. Paul

Thank you, East Side Freedom Library!

A free-will offering will be collected for the guest song leader and the space.
Suggested amount is $5-10 ~ though don't let that amount keep you away.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

SHHH! Aug 3 with Laura Caviani, guest song leader

The August edition of Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts!
(SHHH!) in the Library is

Thursday, August 3, 2017, 7-8:30 p.m.
with guest song leader Laura Caviani!
Laura Caviani, guest song leader for August 3, 2017
East Side Freedom Library
1105 Greenbrier St., St. Paul
Thank you, East Side Freedom Library!

A free-will offering will be collected for the guest song leader and the space. 
Suggested amount is $5-10 ~ though don't let that amount keep you away.
Points of Light Music:  Tell us about yourself. 
Laura Caviani: I play piano, compose, and teach music at Carleton College. I feel fortunate to have made my way through life making music, in some way shape or form, for a living.
For me, my favorite part of music is improvising. I studied improvisation and composition at both Lawrence U. in WI and at the U. of MI in Ann Arbor.
Currently, I live in the Twin Cities, and love it. Minnesota is my home state. I grew up learning songs at home, at church, at school, and around many campfires, namely Camp Koinonia (Hennepin Ave. United Methodist Church) and Camp Olson, a YMCA camp near Longville. I'm recently loving re-learning all of these songs again, and am looking forward to passing them along to interested folks. I'm also looking forward to learning more songs by ear, myself, and to help others learn how to improvise, compose, and get to know their voices.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Highlighting Annie Zijlstra

The lovely Annie Zijlstra
So who is this Annie Zijlstra who will be leading our singing on Thursday evening? 
I had the opportunity to sing with her last summer in Powderhorn Park before she headed to Europa, which confirmed the welcoming and skilled presence she brings to community singing.  I started following her on Instagram (@zestinaferna) and discovered she's a forager, lover of the forest and other wild places, a chocolatier, and handy in many ways.  But who is she?  I decided it was time to ask her some questions...


PLM: Tell us about yourself. 
AZ: I grew up singing in the flat wind-humming prairie lands of northern Iowa. My voice was shaped by a childhood of abundant wide open spaces, a brand of hardiness acquired from the unrelenting sub-zero winters of the great plains, a whole load of family and teachers who never told me not to sing, and years of classical training grounded in an adulthood immersion in a grassroots, living culture of people who sing for the aliving of themselves and all of life in the places they call home. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Jul 6 SHHH: Guest Song Leader Annie Z!

I'm especially pleased to have a guest song leader joining Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts in July!  Introducing Annie Zijlstra!  Here's a little taste test of what's to come:  (yes! follow her melodious and delicious escapades on Instagram!)

Come!  Bring your voice, friends, and water!

When:  Thursday, July 6, 7-8:30 p.m.
Where:  East Side Freedom Library, 1105 Greenbrier St., St. Paul, MN 55106

Jul 2: Sunday morning Dances at Spirit United

My Dances of Universal Peace friends, Saleem and Patti, attend Spirit United, an interfaith community, and have wanted me to join them in leading dances there on a Sunday morning.  We finally found a date! 

Join us for an hour of Dances of Universal Peace! 
You bring your curious spirit, body, and voice.
We'll teach you the songs and the movements. 
Together we'll create beauty and harmony
as we practice love for self and others.
When:  Sunday morning, July 2, 2017, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Where:  Spirit United, 701 Lexington Ave, St. Paul

Monday, June 26, 2017

Jun 26: Public Performance: Mpls' Pianos on Parade!

Pianos are Parading through downtown Minneapolis this June.  And over the Tuesday noon hour the keys of these pianos will be tickled for your pleasure.  Check out the nearest one to you!


I will be making a rare public piano performance at the Grant & Nicollet piano on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, 12 noon to 1 p.m.  If you're in the area, join me in the pocket park al fresco! 

Friday, May 26, 2017

Summer Dances

I have bad news and good news. 

The bad news is I won't be in town ANY of the 3rd Saturdays of June, July, and August.  I'll likely be in Albuquerque, NM, East Central WI, and South East MN those weekends, respectively. 

The good news is I'm hoping to partner with others to schedule other special events.  There's one event on this list so far, and I'm hoping to add a few more...
  • Sunday, July 2, 10:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m. @ Spirit United Community, 701 Lexington Parkway N, St. Paul
Would you consider inviting me, another musician or two, and a bunch of friends to gather and practice the age old activity of singing and moving together? 

All that is needed is an open heart, a willing spirit, and a body able to hear external authority and discern if the inner authority needs to be expressed to accommodate personal needs.  That and a dry flat surface that can be walked upon with shoes or without.  Outside would be awesome as is covered warm shelters when the forecast is wet. 

Contact us at Shine (at) PointsOfLightMusic (dot) com. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

May 2017 Updates

The light is shifting this month.  Here's a heads up about some changes for some of our regular events: 

Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts! (SHHH!) in the Library
We're moving the time an hour later, 7-8:30 p.m.!  It seems gathering folks to sing at 6 p.m. on a weekday late afternoon/evening seems to be a hard sell, especially for those who would be making a drive from the south or east.  Same location:  East Side Freedom Library, 1105 Greenbrier, St. Paul. 

Dances of Universal Peace
Regularly scheduled for the 3rd Saturday of the month, in May it falls on the same day my Korean family arrives, May 20.  There will be no Dances that evening, though I am considering moving it to a different night and time.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sixteenth Notes: April Showers of Events

Here's a quick rundown of upcoming events: 

Dances of Universal Peace
    Dances of Universal Peace logo. Image
    adapted by (c) 2016 Points of Light Music.
  • Today, Saturday, April 15, 7-9 p.m. - Dances of Universal Peace at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 1895 Laurel Ave, St. Paul.  Celebrating the springing forth of new life!  RSVP on MeetUp.com or just show up. 
  • Friday, April 28, 7-9 p.m. - Open Dances of Universal Peace Circle at Newton Christian Conference Center, Newton, IA.  Leading and supporting the Dances with flute, cajon, baritone ukulele, and shruti box!  It's not my debut, but it will be the culmination of a 2-day retreat focusing on musicianship. To be followed by ...
  • Saturday, April 29, 9 a.m.-Sunday, April 30, 12:30 p.m. - Public Retreat with Anahata: Planting Divine Qualities, Harvesting the Blessings.  Dancing and singing, probably more playing of instruments for Anahata.  For more details, see http://peacedancemn.blogspot.com/2017/03/HeavenOnEarthRetreatWithAnahata.html
Spirit of Peace Unflash Mob
Meditation Walk.
Image: (c) 2016 Points Of Light Music
Spirit of Peace Unflash Mob
  • Tuesdays, April 18 & 25, 2 p.m. - Spirit of Peace Unflash Mob Meditation Walk.  Meet at the Veterans Service Building just south of the Capitol Building.  Walk & sing for the turning of the world.  More details here.

Full Voice - 5 Elements Framework (TM)
Image:  (c) 2016 Points Of Light Music
Full Voice Workshops
  • Thursday, April 20, 6-7:30 p.m. - Steeling Our Magnolias: Forging our Voices for the Ongoing Work of Speaking Up & Out at East Side Freedom Library.  1105 Greenbrier St. St. Paul.  RSVP on Facebook.
  • Monday, April 24, 7-8:30 p.m. - Open Your Voice: an introduction to your Full Voice at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, St. Paul.  Register on Eventbrite


The last month has been full with preparations for Palm/Passion Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter, weddings for family and friends, doing some music engraving for others (taking a composer's handwritten notes and formatting them in Finale, a music notation software program), as well as supporting an interesting labyrinth project (Labyrinth Around America) and my on-going hosting on Airbnb

Never a dull moment here!  I'm not posting here as much as I'd like, but follow me on Instagram where I'm likely to do a mini-post on what's going on. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

SHHH! April changes

East Side Freedom Library
Sing Harmony, Heavenly Hearts (SHHH)'s host, the awesome East Side Freedom Library* (ESFL), is the site for "Down in Mississippi: A Gospel Play with Music" a production by Carlyle Brown & Company Mar 23-Apr 8. 
So sadly, the Thu, Apr 6 session of SHHH in the Library is cancelled.  SHHH will be back on Thu, May 4.  (We are really excited for ESFL to host this awesome production though -- who wants to go with us?)

Instead we'll be offering an element-focused Full Voice workshop loosely called "Steely Dan:  How to Fortify our Voices for the Long Hall" on the 3rd Thursday of the month, April 20 at ESFL*.   Stay tuned for more details to come. 

* p.s. checkout all the events ESFL hosts!  Later this month, they're hosting a screening of Let Freedom Sing, a documentary about the singers and musicians who stood up against inequality and racism, and gave the civil rights movement its anthems and its soul.  Mon, Mar 27, 7-9p. (want to go with us?)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Full Voice Groups: March 2017

Here's a schedule of upcoming Full Voice group workshops: 
If you'd like to see a daytime or weekend offering, please let me know.  I'd be happy to schedule a time that works for you... there's probably others that would like a different day/time too. 


Release.  (c) 2015 Points Of Light Music

March: Spirit of Peace Unflash Mob/Walking Meditation

Our walking meditation continues!  In March 2017, we will be convening at the MN Capitol Mall on Tuesdays at 2 p.m.  Join us!  More details here
  • March 7
  • March 14
  • March 21
  • March 28
You'll notice the calendar has Spirit of Peace Meditation Walks on the weekends as well.  These will be in other locations that need a presence of peace.  We'll announce those locations as they get decided. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

SHHH Guests, 3/2/17

I'm really looking forward to the next Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts (SHHH!) in the Library tomorrow, Thursday, March 2, 2017.  The Uprisingers will be joining us! 

Here's how they describe themselves: 

Uprisingers: Bringing more songs and singing to our movements.
Sing along!

UPRISINGERS is not a performing group - it's a songleading group to spark community singing at protests, marches, rallies, and the like.

UPRISINGERS is for people who want to sing strong,
easy, sustaining songs when spirits are lagging or people are tired of chanting - with the intention of always encouraging others to join in if they want to.
You do not have to be a "good singer" to participate.
Leadings songs at downtown Minneapolis Library
during This Machine event on Monday, February 20, 2017.
Sounds like a good match to me! 

You can learn more about them on Facebook.  They have a public page and a private group for internal discussion.  If you don't do the Facebook thing (and I love that you do/don't), email uprisingers@gmail.com and ask to be added to their email list. 

Looking forward to singing with you on Thursday evening.  Cheers! 

Going back: Leading Chapel at my Alma Mater

Me and a friend at commencement.
I'm going back to my alma mater on Friday to lead some singing and community movement for the daily chapel service. 

It's been almost 20 years since I've been there and it's interesting to reflect on where I've been and where I'm going and comparing it with what I remember of the 21yo me.  While I ponder articulating the amazement of how I got to where I am and how that place and community shaped and supported me, I'll just invite you to the event.  It's open to the public and free. 

What:  Augsburg College's Daily Chapel Service with me and the Augsburg Choir
When:  Friday, March 3, 2017, 10:40-11 a.m.
Where:  Hoversten Chapel inside the Foss Lobeck Miles Center, 625 22nd Ave South, Minneapolis

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Spirit of Peace Meditation Walk Continues!

Greetings, all,
You all are due a wrap-up post from Day 4-6 from the pre-Inauguration Meditation Walk schedule.  And more background about the Spirit of Peace and its 1989 pilgrimage to Russia and its sister US tour in 1993.  Soon, I promise!

My partner Patti and I are continuing the Meditation Walk with twice a week frequency.  Join us*!  We're aiming for every Tue & Sat afternoon, but it shifts due to conflicting appointments and life commitments.  Here's the dates for February: 
  • Fri, Feb 3
  • Tue, Feb 7
  • Sun, Feb 12
  • Tue, Feb 14 (I love this falling on Valentine's Day!)
  • Sun, Feb 19
  • Tue, Feb 21
  • Sat, Feb 25
  • Tue, Feb 28 (Arts Advocacy Day!)
* Learn the song and read more background here.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

SHHH Guests, 1/19

Tonight is the inaugural Sing Harmony, Hungry Hearts (SHHH!) at the East Side Freedom Library!

I'm excited that we'll be gathering together to use our voices to speak our truth, weave them together with the truth-telling voices of others, and practice the act of welcoming others, making space for all voices to belong, adapting to the needs and will of all present.  These are skills so needed, especially with diverse gatherings of folks. 

We will have some special song/dance leader/carriers in our midst. 
  • My friend Saleem Adam will be sharing some Dances of Universal Peace. 
  • Laura Nelson who hosted the Election Eve Sing in St. Louis Park will be joining us too! 
Bring water and a chair or cushion to sit upon.  Tonight we'll be in the lower level meeting room, so enter the front doors, hang a right and go down the stairs.  There won't be many chairs available to us as a larger group will be meeting upstairs after us.

Sing with you soon!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Mid-point Reflections on Spirit of Peace Walk

My partner and I have really enjoyed our daily hour of intention together over the past three days. Here's a few of our reflections:

Day 1, Sunday, January 15
It's a beautiful sunny day. We gotta wear shades (I'm evidently a child of the 80's). 
Check out that amazing blue sky!  (No filter) Photo by Points of Light Music.
And look there's another labyrinth popup! 
Fresh snow canvas = snow labyrinth potential.  Glad someone used it!  (Photo by Points Of Light Music)
There's a few visitors touring the new finished renovations of the capital building. One guy asks: "Are you guys drunk?"  I reply, "No, we're stone sober." 

Start with setting intentions in front of the Veterans Service Building. We walk down the right side. Shuffle across the street. Restart again. The sidewalk has a pattern of a darker on-point square in the middle of the typical concrete and I enjoy watching my shadow spread my justice and peace energy as I walk up using the angles as my guide.  We find ourselves in front of the steps and sing a reminder of the light and love in every person. End with gratitude. 

Then we ventured inside for a look-peek. Do a little impromptu humming in the rotunda. And then walk back the other side of the mall. 

Day 3 walkers:  Patti, Saleem, and Conie
Day 2, Monday, January 16, Martin Luther King Jr holiday
Weather: overcast but not windy or freezing. I didn't wear my snow boots or extra cushy socks so my toes get cold. 
Walkers: Patti, Saleem, and I 

As we three are chatting by the Gold Star Table, I notice capital security has pulled into the parking lot. Since it's a federal holiday, we're the only ones parked there. We trot over to ask if it's ok and confirm the holiday and that the meter doesn't need to be fed. We're fine, he reassures us. 
Convening in front of the Veterans Service Building I notice the beautiful lotus-like sculpture in the center of the fountain(?). Does anybody know its background or its creator? There's so much beautiful and meaningful memorial installations on the Capital grounds. If you haven't had a chance go and explore! 

Today we decide to walk the left side up to balance what we did yesterday. It's lovely having another person to add to our harmony. As we make our way across the lower quad, I notice another (the same?) security vehicle in a different lot. They seem to be watching us? When we reach the street, we sing but don't walk the slow pace across. Over the course of the chant we advance 8 steps so crossing a four lane street would take at least 4 repeats. Not worth risking our safety or inviting question. 

I've been watching two group of folks milling about on the capital steps since we started. Now that we're closer it seems like some are logistics organizers for the Women's March and another group is live streaming a promo of the musical acts appearing at the March ... But we don't know that until we've photo (video?) bombed part of it. Oops! 

Today's trio ends by climbing the steps to the capital doors (locked due to the holiday) and then sending out prayers of blessings for all people from that incredible vantage point that views the river straight ahead and the Cathedral of St. Paul slightly to the right. 

Day 3, Tuesday, January 17
Weather: overcast like yesterday. It rained overnight and at home I slipped on the slanted, wet icy sidewalk (triple threat, can't win!) and fell on my tush taking out the recycling last night. Fortunately, the capital grounds folks are totally on it and the sidewalks are well salted for the opening of this week's session. Thank you! 

Our feet stepping out at the Vietnam War memorial installation at the Capital.
(Photo by Points Of Light Music)
Walkers: it's just Patti and I. We walk the labyrinth that appeared the other day, check in, and then head to our starting place. Today there are folks working in the buildings and walking here and there. A different vibe than the last couple days. But we begin again. 

Setting our intentions we recognize the cloud of witnesses surrounding us and this place, all people from the past, including the indigenious, and future as well as the thousands planning to be attending the March on Saturday. It is a bit awesome to behold. 

Today's variation: after we cross the street, instead of remaining in a single file line, I wave Patti to join me so we are side-by-side. A year and a half ago, I was leading this Dance at Village Fire with one other person. We modifying it for the two of us and I was floored by the feeling of strength I felt walking side by side as we crossed a field. That experience has stayed with me and continues to prod me with this public practice. The dream has evolved to include variations of groups of people walking toward each other and becoming a partner dance where they meet, turning together as they move through each other. Some day...

We reach the lower steps and move through our closing ritual. Our closing song are the words of Joe Miller, a Buddhist blessing: "May all beings be well / May all beings be happy / Peace, Peace, Peace."

But I know another version of it with an additional line and it was calling to me on my drive home yesterday. Saying "I need to be said." The line is "May all injured be healed." Telling my partner this, she affirms it is important to recognize this. We gloss over trauma in so many ways and the only way to move forward is to recognize it. Otherwise it gets stuffed down and remains undealt with causing unforeseen problems in the future.

May all beings be well,
May all beings be happy, 
May all injured be healed.
Peace, Peace, Peace. 

May we be open to the vulnerability required to admit our mistakes and learn from them. To rise over and over again. One step at a time 

We step forward again for the next three days. Join us at 2p in front of the Veterans Service Building or from work, home, or wherever you are. More details here.  Peace and blessings.