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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sing Solstice Songs!

Are you interested in singing some songs about darkness and light? 

I posted on facebook a few months ago this soundcloud track by my friend and sparklighter, Barbara McAfee, and some of my church-y friends got excited when they listened to it.  They offer a winter solstice service and are always on the lookout for fresh music.  I volunteered to teach it at the service. 

Fast forward a couple months.  We are planning the service and I realize there's a few other darkness-light songs floating in my head.  One is definitely not northern European, another is has a rich texture, another a dance.  All are beautiful.  Me thinks, I'd like to plant a few singers in strategic congregational spots to ensure their success. 

So!  Consider yourself invited to the service (yummy poetry will be featured in addition to candles, quiet, and singing!) and to as many song practices you wish to attend.  I'm offering 4 times: 
  1. Mon, Dec 14, 5-6 p.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal, 1895 Laurel Ave, St. Paul - probably meeting in our new chapel space at the back of the sanctuary (beyond the altar)
  2. Wed, Dec 16, 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal (same as above)
  3. Sat, Dec 19, 10 a.m. at St. Anne's Episcopal, 2035 Charlton Rd, Sunfish Lake - we'll be in the sanctuary while pageant rehearsal is going on in the fellowship hall
  4. Mon, Dec 21, 6 p.m. at St. Anne's Episcopal - probably meeting in the choir room; watch for signs.
The Solstice Service is at 7 p.m. at St. Anne's Episcopal (2035 Charlton Rd, Sunfish Lake, MN) 
A Liturgy of Darkness and Light: honor the nurturing quiet of God found in the darkness, and celebrate growth and the return of the Light. A contemplative service of candles, music, poetry, silence, Scripture, prayer. Stay after the liturgy for cookies, cocoa, and an celebratory outdoor bonfire to welcome the return of the light! Family friendly, all are welcome.  (From Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/events/481133388678627/)
What songs are we singing? 
  • Light and darkness, a 3-word, 3-part round by a wonderful soul we'd love to acknowledge and thank
  • To know dark, go dark, a fun 4-part layer song by Barbara McAfee adapting the words of Wendell Berry
  • Jewels, a gorgeous 3-part layer song by Barbara.
  • Turning towards the light, a Dance of Universal Peace I learned from fellow dance leader friend, Zahir. 
  • and maybe Thy light is in all forms; Salaam aleikum/May peace be in our world; and other things that find their way to us...
I hope you join us! 

1 comment:

  1. Slow, but not forgotten sparks:
    - Your light has come by my friend Richard. Listen to it here and get the sheet music too: https://soundcloud.com/worldmaking-psalmist/your-light-has-come
    - Come, Light of Lights by Ruth Cunningham, learned from Ana Hernandez or someone else from the Music that Makes Community crew...
    - What would you suggest?
