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Friday, November 13, 2015

So much gratitude

It is after midnight on Fri, Nov 13th, and what a Give to the Max Day it has been. 

23 donors contributed
amounts from $10 to $101
for a total of $621. 

Springboard for the Arts, my awesome fiscal sponsor, promised to contribute $10 for each donor, so that's an extra $230 ...

for a grand Give to the Max Day total of $851. 

Alhumdulilah!  Ya Shakur! 
(That's Arabic for "All Praise Flows Back to God" and "O Appreciative"!)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

It's Give to the Max Day!

It's here!  That big day to be generous in Minnesota! 

Contributions toward "Tales of a Roaming Catholic: a 12-Step Healing Dance Memoir" can be made at this GiveMN.org page

Our goal for "Roaming Catholic" today is to have 25 donors make online contributions today.  Our fiscal sponsor, Springboard for the Arts, promised to contribute $10 for every donor who contributes to an Incubator Project today for up to 25 donors.  Please share and/or nudge your friends, family, and neighbors to contribute to this worthy project. 

As of 5 p.m. Thu, Nov 12, seven contributions have been made for a total of $275.  Alhumdulilah!  (That's Arabic for "All Praise goes to God!").

A Vote of Confidence for "Roaming Catholic"

Mary Martin’s development of the Dances of Universal Peace as experienced through a Catholic Mass hit home for me. Instead of throwing out the baby with the wash water, I am able to honor my root tradition with fresh eyes: the eyes of a dancer of Universal Peace. The program is sincere and profound and very authentic. I can see its benefit to all those “former” Catholics as well as practicing ones. Blessings on the project.
Radha Tereska Buko
Senior Mentor of the Dances of Universal Peace
South Burlington, Vermont

Friday, November 6, 2015

Meet Mary Martin Lane

We'd like to introduce you to Mary Martin Lane, the creator of Tales of a Roaming Catholic: a 12-Step Healing Dance Memoir, and our partner in this new project.

The following is an excerpt from PeaceDanceMN.com

About Mary Martin Lane:  When I considered my introduction to Centering Prayer (1998) to be the equivalent of a Dairy Queen hot fudge sundae, the Holy One surprised me with “the cherry on top” of the Dances of Universal Peace embedded within my initial experiences of Saadi’s Aramaic Studies (2009). The healing power of Dance circles, with their unique “oneness” embodied through the dancers, left me shaken, weeping, laughing, and then gratefully reduced to silent awe before The Real Presence.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Root of the Root

I'm in Madison, Wisconsin this weekend attending "The Root of the Root" lead by Tasnim Fernandez and Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz.  These two folks birthed the Dances of Universal Peace organization into what it is today and have spread the Dances like Johnny Appleseed planted trees over the last 30 years.  I'm so grateful for their wisdom, leadership and dedication to the dances and look forward to what they have to share this weekend.

I hope to share a bit on twitter, but apologize in advance if I don't.  It is easy to get deeply immersed.  I suppose that is going to the root of the root. 
Blessings on your day and weekend. 

Support Roaming Catholic

As with any good work, doing it in community with others takes it farther. So I invite you to support my current project, Roaming Catholic, in whatever way suits you best at this time.

The first level of support is your interest. 

Knowing that you're interested in this project is important to me because it affirms that it is worthwhile and I'm not wondering off into La-la-land for no good reason. Also, if we were to seek grants and other financial sources, those funders like to see how many folks are on our email list because it gives them a sense of how well we connect with others. So, please sign up for the email list (see the form on the right side of this page) and select "Dances of Universal Peace." Or feel free to keep checking here for updates. We want to feel your love and light through subscriptions and website pings!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It has a name!

After much hemming and hawing (though more hemming and hawing is likely to be had ...) the new project has a name-title-moniker attached to it, so I don't have to call it "the thing I'm working on."

Please meet "Tales of a Roaming Catholic: a 12-Step Healing Dance Memoir."