One of those other things I've been doing lately is planning to lead a hospice choir of my own. Not that I'm leaving the MSS, but expanding upon the work Barbara has started. Barbara McAfee founded MSS with the idea that there would be subsets of singers that would cover "territories" of the Metro. Although I'm not exactly organizing the Southern-Northeast region, I am hoping to create a model that is sustainable and decreases singer burnout by partnering with a hospice agency. Interested in joining? Watch for more details in a future blog article.

There are two added incentives to give today. One is, the organization that has designed the online giving platform and today's "Great Minnesota Give Together" is holding hourly "Golden Ticket" contests where a donor is selected every hour and $1,000 is added to their donation. What a cool and generous match to make if one of you is selected! Second is Springboard is waiving the 2.9% administrative fee for all contributions made today. It may seem small, $.29 for a $10 donation, but when the goals is to raise $5,000, that is $145 more for this project. A little bit builds up over time.
If you prefer to send a check via USPS, please let me know and I'll give you the details on how to do that.
I am so appreciative for all your encouraging words and whatever financial support you determine is right for you. I know this Thanksgiving I will be especially grateful for the opportunity to do this work.
With blessings of abundant joy, laughter, hope and songs (of course!) for your life and of those around you.
Cheers, Conie