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Sept 8: Dances of Universal Peace at TCFM

  More details at  http://www.meetup.com/The-Minnesota-Dances-of-Universal-Peace/ .  

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Italy in retrospect

A post or two ago I made the assertion that Italy is life changing. I have since made the trip and am back in my humble abode. Posting only one entry while there must be evidence that it is life changing and it was. I did open my heart to be touched and recieved a waterfall of love from new friends and gave the same to others.

Marmore Falls in Umbria is a Roman-made cascade and our group was witness to one of the thrice daily opening of the gates of life-giving water. Here is before...

And this is after the floodgates are open ...
It is amusing to me that our needs are best filled when we allow God to work in whatever way seen fit. The results are most unusual and humorous and above all go beyond our expectations. When we let God out of the box we are privy to a most glorious display of joyful play. I don't believe he is full of judgement, only love and light.

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