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Music that Makes Community Twin Cities Metro Gathering   When:  Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:30 p.m. Where:  University Lutheran Church of Ho...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Italy in retrospect

A post or two ago I made the assertion that Italy is life changing. I have since made the trip and am back in my humble abode. Posting only one entry while there must be evidence that it is life changing and it was. I did open my heart to be touched and recieved a waterfall of love from new friends and gave the same to others.

Marmore Falls in Umbria is a Roman-made cascade and our group was witness to one of the thrice daily opening of the gates of life-giving water. Here is before...

And this is after the floodgates are open ...
It is amusing to me that our needs are best filled when we allow God to work in whatever way seen fit. The results are most unusual and humorous and above all go beyond our expectations. When we let God out of the box we are privy to a most glorious display of joyful play. I don't believe he is full of judgement, only love and light.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


At the Intl airport yesterday, my fancy noticed the people around me
looked like the people back home. Yet they talked in a different
language. Yet they seemed to have the same concerns as me.

I felt this way when I went to Cameroon, Africa. Although the vast
majority of people were colored darker than I, I never felt alienated.
Perhaps its because I've lost the fear of being different. I grew up
in a rural town where I was half like those around me but not fully.
Then I wanted so much to be accepted and didn't have the tools to do
so. As I moved away for college and have travelled more I see that
accepting oneself as a unique individual is the greatest gift back to
the world. One that I'm continually growing in understanding.

Amongst this onesness with my fellow travellers yesterday I also
noticed how individuals were dressed. Each seemed to have their own
style. In this Old World country where cookie cutter big box stores
and brand names have no space, the oneness of self is nurtured and
even expected. Hmm, I think I'm going to like this trip.

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Work is love in action. ~Kahlil Gibran

The harmony you seek is less important than the harmony you bring. ~unknown

May blessings of love and hope rain on you, clearing the dust from
your sandals and refreshing you to welcome with open arms and heart
all the wonderful things in store for you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Italian freedom

I've heard that Italy has played host to many life changing events. I
plan to test that for the next week. Is it the wine? Is it the simple
food of Umbria? Is the rush, rush, hurry, hurry of my country of
origin not important here, trumped by a nurturing of ones
individuality, nursing the creator artist within? How will my heart be
broken open to feel abundance in love, joy, and peace? Hmmm. Stay
tuned ...

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Work is love in action. ~Kahlil Gibran

The harmony you seek is less important than the harmony you bring. ~unknown

May blessings of love and hope rain on you, clearing the dust from
your sandals and refreshing you to welcome with open arms and heart
all the wonderful things in store for you.